
sábado, 3 de julho de 2021

Warm Up 5 - The most usefull Phrasals


1. Ask out: invite (convidar alguém)

JB asked his wife out to a dinner in the new restaurant of the neighborhood.

2. Add up: make sense (fazer sentido)

This story doesn’t add up. Why would the Ministry of Health of the Federal Government negociate the purchase of four hundred  million doses of vaccine with an inexperienced intermediary with no ties to the supplier company

3. Break down: get upset (ficar triste ou decepcionado)

Roberto broke down with his team's performance in the last match against Corinthians.

4. Bring about: cause (causar, provocar)

The young guys were reckless when they brought about the accident.

5. Catch up: reach a standard (alcançar um padrão ou nível)

To catch up with her goals , Roberto needs to practice English everyday.

6. Come across: meet by chance (encontrar por acaso)

 JB came across his best friend from childhood.

7. Do over: do again (fazer novamente)

 Evelyn always blame herself when has to do the things over.

8. Drop by: come for a quick visit (dar uma passada, aparecer sem hora marcada)

 Roberto was coming home from work when he dropped by his grandmother’s house to lunch.

9. Fall apart: break into pieces (desmoronar, desfazer-se)

Their marriage has fell apart after only a few months together.

10. Figure out: find the answer (entender, encontrar a resposta)

It was difficult for her to figure out why he left her.

11. Find out: discover (descobrir)

The researchers will find out the solution for many diseases soon.

12. Get along: like each other (gostar ou se dar bem um com outro)

It’s amazing that Jessie and Robert get along so well, since they first met!

13. Get away with: do something bad without being punished (sair impune)

The criminal named Lazaro couldn't get away with his terrible crimes.

14. Get through: finish (terminar)

I will get through this work today.

15. Give up: stop trying (desistir)

John always plans to give up working at night

16. Grow up: become an adult (crescer)

Robert's sister lives in the United States, but she grew up in Brazil.

17. Hand over: give something (dar ou entregar algo)

As soon as the class has begun, the teacher asked the children to hand over their smartphones.

18. Keep something from: not tell, hide (não contar algo, esconder)

It’s wrong to keep our relationship from our parents.

19. Look after: take care of (cuidar)

Look after your life and stop looking after mine.

20. Look forward: to be excited about future (estar ansioso, animado)

I’m looking forward to seeing my family again, after all these years abroad.

21. Make something up: tell a lie (mentir, inventar uma história)

 Once when I was reckless I had to make up a story to convince my mother letting me go to the party.

22. Pass something up: decline (recusar algo)

Although the job offer was very good, he passed it up because of his new goal.

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