
sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2021

Warm Up - Conversations



Good morning Roberto! How was your week?
Good morning teacher! The week was good, I worked a lot but I set aside some time to relax, because no one is ironclad.
What do you usually do to relax after a tense day at work?
On weekdays I usually take a relaxing shower and eat something light while watching a movie on TV. On the weekends I don't give up my beer and a barbecue with friends. What about you? What do you do to release tension?
Well, my daughters are perfect at relaxing and stressing me at the same time. Being with them is an indescribable adventure.
You have to be very patient with children. As far as I know it is difficult to set limits at this age.
I agree. But with sincere love they end up discovering the limits of what is possible and what is dangerous to do.
Let's start the class?
All right. Let's go!